Tuesday, December 10, 2013

...and They Lived Happily Ever After

....we were fed the fairy tales of the Disney Prince Charming whisking us away to the castle to live happily ever after.   That's where the story always ends.  The camera cuts rights after the huge wedding.

Oh no... that's where the story actually BEGINS.  Like it or not, life continues after age 21.  Pretty soon we are 26, then 30, then 36, then 47, then 55...... it all happens in a blink.

What nobody really talks about are the very real life challenges we actually face.  Nobody tells us what pitfalls are out there such as:  job loss, divorce, financial struggles, infidelity, betrayal, domestic violence, addictions, etc.  I did not even mention disability, sickness, nor death.

I'm not intending to bum you all out.  My point is that we lie to our children feeding the myth that if you do all the things society tells you you to do, you will lead a happy, stress-free, perfect life and you're a complete failure if yours isn't.  I've got news.  Nobody has a perfect life and each and every one of is struggling with something -- even if you followed society's prescription perfectly.  

Be especially weary of those portraying perfection -- they are usually the ones with the most hideous shortcomings. 

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