Saturday, December 19, 2009

Male Gynocologists

Since when is a man an expert on "female" issues? I'm talking about male gynocologists.

I have always wondered what would ever prompt a man to want to specialize female reproductive organs. I'll tell you who -- some geek who never got lucky in high school OR some arrogant asshole who thinks he knows all.

I don't care how many books he has read, prestigious colleges he has attended, or endless interviews with patients he has conducted, there is NO way a man can truly understand:

1. menstrual cramps;
2. PMS;
3. finding out you're pregnant;
4. hot flashes;
5. labor contractions;
6. post partum depression.

The list could go on and on. I still can't comprehend on how a man can be labeled an "expert" that women can trust on issues he himself will never experience first-hand. It's like giving somebody a pilot's license who has never flown a plane.


Flywriter said...

LMAO ~ did you ever nail THAT analogy at the end nicely :-) (not that I'm biased or nothing!)

I had 2 male gyno's in my day (55 now) ... they were both arrogant assholes. The woman that delivered my 2nd son was a saint in comparison; her advice to me *20* years ago about dealing with menapause still rings true in my ears & has helped me cope with today - WITHOUT DRUGS.

The male twit that did my tubal 22 years ago after my saint went and retired? Woke me up (I kid you not with this) in the recovery room? With the following:

"Well my dear ... you're sterile!"

Un - f*n - believable. Then ~ and still now. He was the beginning of my awakening from the fog that was my stupidity. Suffice it to say I don't do many Dr's app't's for ANY reason much these days.

Be wary people ... the good ones are hard to find, and keep. The system sucks the life right out of them.

And us......

CG said...

So true!!!