Thursday, October 8, 2009

Walk to School Day this lame heading in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat Empire News Section today confirmed in my mind it really was a slow news day. The Bored Mom's on Prozac Committee have managed to draw attention to YET another worthless cause that (yawn) is already common sense to anybody with any higher cerebral functioning whatsoever. Of course you can donate money to their cause and volunteer for their spaghetti feed (and yes, pun is intended) to draw awareness to "WALK TO SCHOOL DAY!"

I shit you not... Sonoma County gives headlines for what used to be the "norm" not so many years ago. Kids walking to school. BFD. Who-da-thunk kids walking to school would be newsworthy?

If little Maria walks to school today, she will be greeted on campus by a giant, inflatable, walking, cartoonish heart! Not only that, they have organized a parade of kids WALKING TO SCHOOL complete with banners!!! WOW!!!!!!! Make way, everybody.... NOBODY HAS EVER WALKED TO SCHOOL BEFORE! THIS IS NEWS!!! WE NEED TO HAVE WEBSITES AND FUNDRAISERS AND TWITTERS AND FACEBOOKS AND MYSPACES AND BLOGS AND CALL THE PRESS AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND AND ....(exasperated inhale) (gasp)

Who in the fuck thinks of this shit????? Obviously, somebody with waaaaaayyyyy too much time on their hands.

Not to sound like my elderly Aunt Ethel, but back in my day walking to school was just, well, expected. We walked in the rain, sleet, and snow.... for three miles....uphill....each way... You were a whiny, coddled, snot if you got a ride from your parents. Not so very long ago getting a ride to school was almost unheard of. Yes, there were buses, but to get an actual ride???? In a private car??? By your parents??? Your legs must have been broken in order to pull off such a luxury.

But nooooooo.... in America, the land of the stupid, lazy, and obese, walking to school runs parallel to winning an Olympic gold medal. Wally-E is looking more and more like reality, folks. If you're greeted with a giant, cartoonish, inflatable, walking heart you will know......

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