Sunday, October 11, 2009

I HATE Twitter

...yeah.... I can appreciate technology and such, but Twitter is just totally useless and annoying as hell. No, I don't care how many squares of toilet paper you use when you take a shit, and I certainly don't care how many times you shake your dick after you piss. TMI!!!!!!!

Nor do I care about somebody who is parked in your parking space, and you're going to have them towed before the board meeting that is scheduled for this morning where you are to receive accolades as to how fucking wonderful you are and your promotion to VP of Total Techno-Bullshit. Wowww......

Who ever thought of Twitter should be SHOT and KILLED immediately. I bet it had something to do with the Bored Moms on Prozac Committee -- we all know they are the evil of the universe.

1 comment:

CG said...

I totally agree. Twitter even SOUNDS trivial and inane which it is.