Monday, May 26, 2008

No More Mylar Balloons

There is talk of banning the use of mylar balloons here in California. Big fuckin' deal. If you have not seen the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" I recommend doing so. Even if you don't believe in global warming, the damaging impact humans have on the environment is undeniable with the shit we consume and throw away.

What if everybody just consumed just a *little* bit less.... hmmmmmm.... what if we all made some minor changes and incorporated habits that would at least slow down the strangling of our mother earth? hmmmmmm..... What if we all agreed to stop using mylar balloons?

OH MY GAWD!!!!!!! What next? You would think the idea guilty of stripping away freedom. The outrage of banning balloons for crying out loud? Wow... the stupidity of the American population never ceases to amaze me. Parties and milestone events will never be the same without mylar balloons. Our happiness depends on it!

Come on, ditching the use of damaging balloons is such an easy thing to do for the betterment of all. This is no sacrafice in the big scheme of things, people. Just think of the sacrafices we'll need to make in 30 years or so when there is no drinking water or food because we've completely killed the earth with our selfishness? Hmmmmm.. population explosion and lack of resources.... or stop using mylar balloons and practice some form of birth control..... Quit twisting my brain with these tough choices!

Of course, the mylar balloon makers are now all up in arms over the proposed ban. Whaaaaa. If we can't deal with the politics of the lousy little balloon industry, no wonder we'll never even make a dent in the oil industry.

It's all about the choices we make. If we stop purchasing mylar balloons, the demand will disappear on its own and other tokens of celebration that don't damage the environment will come forth. It's the same with everything. Our small, individual choices drive "big business" even if we don't think so.


CG said...

I hate those ballons. They cost far too much. Banning them seems good to me!

Dianne said...

Such common sense quiet rage, that's why no one gets it.

Such a throw away, consume-consume-consume society.

Sometimes I just want to smack people!