Monday, May 12, 2008

The Catholic Church: Temple of Mind Control

No, I suppose I shouldn't just pick on the Catholics. Fill in with *just* about any organized religion and there it is. I feel I can pick on the Catholics as I was raised one, and being an offspring of William the Silent, rebelling against the Catholic Church is instilled in my DNA.

This past weekend I went to a full-blown Catholic First Holy Communion. The kids looked darling all spit-shined and pretty. Too bad they had no idea what was going on, or the significance of what they were doing. For those of you non-Catholics or non-organized religion, communion is the priest giving a bread wafer to the members of the congregation and a sip of wine that is to symbolize Christ's body and blood.

For the Catholics, receiving it for the first time is holy sacrament. As for Christ himself, he gave it to hookers, drunks, traitors, and whoever else happened to be around the table with Him at the time because Christ never instilled any silly rules associated with it.

As the first communion candidates lined up and had their bread wafer, the rest of the congregation followed. It reminded me of giving my puppy a treat. "Here, be a good little Catholic (puppy)and do as I say and I will reward you with a blessing (pat on the head and scratch on the belly) and a bread wafer treat; and therefore, remain in my good favor."

Again, I'm NOT anti-Christ. I'm very PRO Christ. I'm against the egotistical control freaks who pretend to act in His name.


CG said...

I always liked the way that in my church (I'm a Methodist) our minister would say ALL were welcome to take communion, as Jesus would have done.

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister ~ you've been on a role lately girl; your offering below was right-on too.

Love ya ... please keep on ~ keeping on. You tell truth to B.S. brilliantly!

Anon said...

Good Point. I am seeing that also.

The real Eucharist has nothing to do with any Church, including Catholic or Protestant. Eating your food in remeberance of Christ is the Eucharist and no "priest" or "minister" is needed. It is not in the interest of those who control churches that people understand that.