Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I'm guilty. I am one of the millions of people who vow to adopt better habits for the coming year. New Year's offers us a clean slate and a chance to renew ourselves with the coming year. Each year, despite my best intentions, I falter and slide back into my old habits. I think I go about it all wrong. I simply expect to wake up January 1st and all of my old negative habits will automatically disappear without any effort on my part.

We all know what a fallacy that is.

Instead of expecting instant transformation, this year will be more patient. Small changes to the daily routine in small steps will put me on the right path. The small changes will eventually become new habits that will no longer require conscious thought. I suppose the key is to be patient with myself in the process.


CG said...

I'm with you on the small changes..!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite (and the older I get, seemingly the most wise) little sayings is "infinite patience produces immediate results". Gotta roll that one around for a while, but then it becomes obvious how much wisdom is there. And yep ~ determined small steps in the right direction, are often much wiser and more productive, than huge leaps not grounded in real intent.

And that's WAAAY too much philosophizing for this early in the a.m. on so little coffee :-)

Keep tapping away; loving the thoughts and insights...I won't stop - if you won't!