Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fake or Paid Bloggers

Admit it... it's fun to look around on people's blogs. It's quite fascinating to peek into people's lives to see what they're thinking, what they value, etc. What gets on my nerves are the 'fake' bloggers or the 'commercial bloggers.'

They worm their way into online communities only to discover they only have a commercial product to peddle. For example, I was nosing around on a blog community. Yes, there were some sincere bloggers, but there were a couple that were so obviously commercial it was ludicrous. It was like watching the movie "The Truman Show" where Truman's wife suddenly (and she thinks discreetly) looks directly into the video camera and intermitantly blurts out plugs to the viewing audience for various commercial products in their household. Truman, in his bewilderment, asks his wife, "Honey, who are you talking to?"

You get my drift. I learned a lot poking around on different online communities...

I came across this one woman blogger in particular who was so desperately trying to camouflage herself as this right-wing-home-schooling-bible-thumping-Bush-is-Great-frugal-
subservient-housewife it was disgusting. Every other sentence was peppered with testimonials and digital photos of the latest home school educational "wonders" (for sale, of course) and vitamins and other miscellaneous crap she was trying so hard to discreetly push. It wasn't so discreet.

I have nothing to sell. I have nothing to gain. I have nothing to lose. This blog is for venting. Period. I know it's unusual in this day and age not to have a marketing agenda or a money making scheme, but I guess I'll always be the outcast.


Anonymous said...

"I guess I will always be the outcast"....

And I personally shall forever love and respect you for that. Here - take my hand and we'll go skipping happily through the illusions, kicking so-called reality by the wayside together shall we?! :-)

CG said...

Can i be an outcast too?