Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Death by Paperwork

HELP! I'm drowning in paperwork! It's attacking me from all sides and it's going to suffocate and kill me! Just in today's mail alone I had: two advertising postcards, three magazines, one religious brochure, two bills, one bank statement, one political piece, and of course an invitation to yet another home living room 'sales' party (those never seem to get lost in the mail).

That's just the mail at the house. I'm not even going to delve into the mountains of paperwork that come into the office. Of course, the producers of each piece of paperwork think you have all the time in the world to devote to whatever crap they want you to do. I'm sick of being ordered around by an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.

When I turn on my computer in the office to check my e-mail, I almost instantly regret it. There in my overflowing inbox are more demands of my time that I don't have. To be honest, most of my e-mail at work is useless. If it's that important, pick up the damn phone. The worst are the people who e-mail the entire free world every time they take a shit -- like we all should CARE. Whoooppeeeeee. Of course, they always hit the 'reply all' function and clutter up everybody's inbox.

I've gotten off track with the e-mail rant, I'll come back to the death by paper rant.

When my youngest comes home from school there is literally an avalanche of paper that must be dealt with nightly. Not only is there a ridiculous amount of homework (another rant), but there are countless forms, permission slips, fund raisers, and other notices.

Who thinks of this shit? Everyday I'm bombarded with more and more paperwork that is sucking up my precious time. Everything is so complicated.... nothing is simple anymore and it always has a 12 page form for you to fill out. All of this bullshit paperwork takes time away from what's really important to me -- writing to my friends.

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