Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cell Phones and Cigarettes

Are you sick of cell phones? Don't you hate it when you're at the movies, dining out, at the grocery store, etc., and somebody's f***** cell phone starts ringing? Not only are you disturbed by a ring tone that features the latest crap recording of a group that will have a popularity life-span of a tsi-tsi fly, but the recipient of the phone call automatically raises his/her voice volume by 10 decibels loudly broadcasting the one-way conversation to everybody within a 10 mile radius.

Everybody on the face of the planet has a cell phone constantly stuck in his/her ear blathering on and on about nothing. No, I don't want to hear your lame conversations anymore. I don't want to hear any of your conversations. You are noise pollution. Shut up. PLEASE! Not only are you noise pollution, you're a hazard on the road as well. Hang up and drive.

Cell phone users should follow the same manners that is expected from smokers these days. Go OUTSIDE at least 10 feet from the door to minimize your noise pollution on others. It's only common courtesy. In fact, I think I'll take up smoking again and whenever some self-important jackass starts yakking on the cell phone, I'm going to light up and blow smoke in his/her face. Then I'll take his/her cell phone and shove it where nobody will ever hear their annoying ring tone ever again;)


Johnnypeepers said...

I agree with your sentiments on cell phones. I think it is only a symptom of a more pervasive problem - people straight not caring for their fellow man. I always use a low tone if I am on the phone in public. Not so much to be polite, but I do not want jokers hearing my convo.

CG said...

Oh dear, I'm probably one of those annoying people! I think as a socirty we are way too addicted to them though!

Anonymous said...

Bravo my dear ~ couldn't agree more on all counts. Recent trip to Van Nuys and hours spent in Burbank airport trying to get home, brought me more information about other peoples' personal lives due to this problem than I EVER...EVER...EVER ~ wanted to know.

There is something soothing and very right, about NOT being available to other human beings 24/7. WhatEVER did they do in the "olden days"??

Do please keep on, keeping on girlfriend...