Monday, January 21, 2008

Homework Hell

In touching on my last rant regarding achievement based nazi's, I feel compelled to expand on the insanity of our education system that also feeds into the bullshit.

Somewhere, sometime, somebody (likely a bureaucratic pencil pusher) must have been sitting in a sterile, unimaginative environment and suddenly said aloud, "I know, let's take all of these bright, young, energetic, creative minds and bore them to death by issuing hours upon hours of useless brain clutter so they will all hate school by the time they're ten; therefore, killing any natural curiosity for learning."

I'm serious.

No wonder kids hate school. Have you seen the piles of homework issued of late? Let's take math as an example. I have a 7th grader who is studying algebra. Get real. I'm a college graduate well into my adult years and career, and I can't tell you of one instance where I needed to use the distributive property, or convert an improper fraction to its lowest form.

Here's math they can use: understanding interest rates, balancing a checkbook, budgeting, etc. I know it's not sexy, but that's math I use every day of my life. For the life of me I can't figure out why stuff like this is not required for high school graduation. It applies to any career choice, regardless if the student is planning on college or not. But wait...... Oh..... I know why it's not mandatory.... It makes SENSE.


CG said...

I never saw the point of algebra AT ALL.

just win baby said...

Boy you nailed that one. That is my favorite blog yet.
