Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Sanctuary Cities

The Reigning Orange Cheeto wants to release thousands of those caged up trying to enter our country from south of the border illegally into 'sanctuary cities.'  The press wants to spin this as a slap to governments that attest federal deportation policies.....cough, cough......San Francisco.

Not so fast. 

Think about it.  The if the illegal immigrants are released to sanctuary cities, their chances of getting deported are diminished greatly.  The Reigning Orange Cheeto is actually acquiescing to the democrats.  The sanctuary cities get their hordes of illegal immigrants. The sanctuary cities can embrace and take are of them all - just like they wanted.  Democrats win. 

Well played, Orange Cheeto. 

One problem.  San Francisco is already overrun with homeless people putting extreme pressure on limited resources.  Just where, pray tell, will these new arrivals live?  Give them Nancy Pelosi's and Dianne Feinstein's address.  Don't forget Gavin Newsom, either. 

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