Monday, April 29, 2019

Global Warming

There's no denying that the earth is getting warmer.  What is causing it is irrelevant.  Whether or not the actions we take to mitigate it are irrelevant.  It's happening weather human activity is the cause of it or not. 

Here's a pop quiz for you all:  What grows where it is warm and moist? 


Here's what should bum you all out even more:  Our running to the doctor every time we had green snot and getting antibiotics has made bacteria resistant due to our overuse of antibiotics. 

Here's another pop quiz for you all:  What proliferates in warm, standing pools of water along with bacteria?

Answer:  Mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects .

Yes, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc., are all to happy to share the viruses and bacteria with not only us, but with any animal that has blood they can suck - and that includes lawyers. 

I think of global warming like the Night Walkers in Game of Thrones.  We all know it's coming yet we continue to bicker and jockey among ourselves trying to gain personal power and accumulate bright, shiny objects.  The Night Walkers (global warming) continues its slow, steady march to find us.  There's no stopping it.  It's getting to the point where there will be no sides to take.  It won't matter who sits on the throne if we are all dead. 

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