Sunday, April 7, 2019

Mind Control & Toilet Paper

Think about this.  I'm joking, of course, for those of you who don't get my sarcastic, dead pan humor.  If you really wanted to control people and needed to put some sort of chemical into people's bodies, how would you do it??   Tainting the water is soooo predictable as would be injected immunizations of any sort.  Just what does everybody use regardless of race, creed, religions, species, etc?


Toilet paper does not have a litany of regulations and the only real test is how smoothly it can wipe your behind.  Oh, there's the bonus!!!  A large orifice easily accessed so the blood stream can be tainted.  The evidence of toilet paper tampering is literally flushed away.  

Mind control via toilet paper.  You read it here first. 

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