Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Foster Kid

I get why there are homeless people.  One of my 'foster' kids showed up on our doorstep.  She lived with is for a while a few years back.  She is an extremely smart young lady and was set to graduate college this year.  For the sake of this post, I will refer to her as Bee. 

Bee first came to live with us while my youngest was in high school.  Bee's mother, I'll call her TrainWreck, was always an addict with manipulation tactics like none other.  TrainWreck was, or should I say is, a professional liar and can put on act that is Oscar worthy (as most addicts and manipulators are so capable of doing).  TrainWreck did not care whose life she impacted with her abandoning of her own flesh and blood only then to suddenly reappear out of the blue promising Bee that she has changed.  TrainWreck has never changed.

God only knows who Bee's biological father is.

Bee has a maternal grandfather who is married to a lady who is not Bee's biological grandmother.  Step-grandma.  She seems to be the most interested in Bee's well-being.  It's certainly not any of Bee's biological family. 

Long story short, Bee popped home to Sonoma County unexpectedly.  Wait. What?  She's set to graduate soon.  What is she doing home? 

She is as thin as a rail and obviously has psychological problems compounded with suspected chemical abuse.  Bee is delusional and paranoid.  She will make remarks that Trump is spying on her.  Bee also called 911 at 5:00 in the morning to 'tell them they are doing a great job.'  She is incoherent at times. 

Sorry, I can't have the cops showing up at the house at 5:00 AM and have a mentally ill person wondering around my house all night.  Bee can't be left unsupervised.  She needs meds, and they need to be given at a specific time.  Here's the kicker:  Bee thinks herself perfectly normal.

How do you tell a crazy person they are crazy?  In their minds they are perfectly fine and take any hint that they are off as a personal attack.  It's YOU who is the crazy one.  Now it's to the point where Bee is bouncing around from house to house as her own mother and grandparents are burned out.  Bee has taken a few night at an ex-boyfriend's parents' house from high school.  Really?  An ex-boyfriend's family is now involved?  They did not sign up for any of this.  Bee's grandparents set down boundaries, for her own good of course, but Bee is defiant and basically ran away.  I'm sure her grandparents did not want her wondering around all night getting into her drug stash. 

Now she is here.  What am I supposed to do with her?  I have no legal rights.  I can't force her into treatment and she doesn't want to go.  Bee's own biological family has washed their hands of her.  This whole scenario has been draining, exhausting, and emotional.  Before you pass judgement as to why people cruelly kick out mentally ill drug addicts, I suggest taking one in and see for yourself how it goes. 

My fear is that she will end up on the streets eventually. 

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