Sunday, December 6, 2015

Paris Gun Control: Is it Working?

I know.....Americans are dip shits for allowing AK-47's.  Let's dismantle the NRA and make them ILLEGAL!!!!!  Gun Control!!!!!!!!  It's TIME!!!!!!!

Slow down there, non-cowboy.  Think this through.  Tell me, doesn't Paris  have extremely strict gun control laws?  Tell me, how did Daesh terrorists manage to get their hands on them?  Is it true the police are unarmed?

Here in America we tried making alcohol illegal during prohibition.  It didn't work.  We tried the 'war on drugs'.  It's not working.  It's only creating violent drug cartels and a highly profitable black market.  If people really want something they are going to get it one way or the other.  You can't put this genie back into the bottle.

Background checks?  Psychological evaluations?  The pro gun control crowd is crying for more restrictions.  Are you kidding?  Neither background checks nor psychological exams are worth anything.  We are all nuts and half a bubble off.  Who is going to make that judgement call?  All I see is a field day for lawyers creating entire practices for individuals who were so-called discriminated against and denied their second amendment right to own a gun.  Lawyers love this kind of shit.  I pretty much hate lawyers.  I can already hear the Oakland thug crying on television that he was denied a gun cuz he be black and da man want to keep 'im down and hep-liss.  Full riots will ensue.

Hey, getting on TV and crying discrimination works.

The pro gun control crowd is trying to liken owning a gun like getting a drivers licence with the bureaucratic process as a deterrent and safety filter.  I don't see that happening.  We all know that people just drive with revoked drivers licenses anyway or just drive without a license at all.  In fact, we could not enforce our own laws and caved into granting drivers license to illegals.  We also caved into those who violated safety laws and gave an 'amnesty' program for unpaid fines and tickets so they could get their license back.  We even go so far to stop impounding cars at roadblocks when the driver is under the influence or not licensed because it's 'discriminating' and a 'hardship'.  Bullshit.  All they had to do was whine and cry a little.  More people are likely to die in a car accident than die from a gun shot wound.  I dare anybody to correct me on that simple fact.  

Are our roads any safer?  I don't think so.  I bet you can personally name somebody you know who died in a car accident.  I don't think you can personally name somebody you know from a gun shot wound.

The pro gun control crowd is using Australia as the poster child for gun control.  Australia is the island continent with no other countries within it.  They are self-contained and accessible by only sea and airplane.  The United States shares a border with Canada and Mexico.  We all know that Mexico is the exporter of whatever it is that we can't get in the United States -- including our slave labor and drugs.  Why would guns be any different?

And no, non-cowboy, I'm not anti-gun control.  I just want people to think every angle through.  There is no easy sound byte solution to this.

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