Saturday, December 12, 2015

My CA Best Friend's Boyfriend

I have a couple of things to rant about today.  I'm struggling about which subject to go off on -- myths about home buying or meeting my CA best-friend's boyfriend last night and NOT LIKING HIM.  Hmmmmmmm decisions, decisions.  I think I'll go off on not liking M's boyfriend being I've been on a somewhat what-the (insert profanity) is-wrong-with-our-country trend.  I just got the inevitable text message from my CA Bestie asking, "Well??????????  What do you think of him?"

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She can do so much better.  Really.  My first impression was that he reminded me of my creepy uncle who molested me when I was a preteen.  His sweating and constant sniffling and fiddling with his nose is so tell tale of a cocaine addict.  He mumbled when he talked and made no sense at all.

My first and immediate thought was WTF does she see in him?  M went through a nasty divorce that took 5 years from start to finish.  Why does she want to hook up with a guy who is worse than the man she divorced?  She swore she would never again end up with an addict prone, abusive, temperamental guy (cough, cough, her father).

Those early subconscious psychological patterns we receive from our parents and their behavior are ingrained in us and tough to overcome.  I'm not going to get all preachy because I have my subconscious issues as well.  Everybody does.

However, M has dated other guys that I have met and thought they were a HELL of a lot better than the one she is with now.  At least they did not remind me of my creepy uncle and they were not sweating profusely whilst constantly fidgeting, rubbing their nose and disappearing for short stints. At least the other guys could hold a conversation with me and were coherent.  There was one boyfriend she had I thought would be a good match for her.  She broke up with him.  Why?  Because he was too boring.  I think she freaked because he told her once that his biggest fear what that she would not be able to handle the depth of love that he had for her.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  Now THAT is sweet.  I could also hold a conversation with this guy.  He was also they type of guy you could call at 2:00 in the morning if your car was broken down and he would show up to help.  He had a steady job and a stable life.  All of that dependability and stability is contradictory to what M was raised with.  M's relationship pattern had already been established.

I guess M needs to be with a train wreck of a guy.  He's already moved into her house.  She's in love and tells me she has met her soul mate.  She is goo-goo over him.  I see disaster on the horizon.  See why I'm procrastinating answering her text asking "what do you think of him?"

This guy does NOT pass the BFF test which is integral to keeping with the sacred Girl Code.  I just don't know how to convey that and if I even should convey anything at all.  Struggling.

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