Sunday, December 20, 2015

Home for the Holidays

It's happening.  Everybody is home for the holidays.  I now have the post-high school age group meandering back to Sonoma County.  My house is *still* a homeless and animal shelter.

I had a huge lesson in forgiveness the other night.  One of my 'adopted' daughters betrayed me and my daughter.  This was after having her live with us for three years.  I was hurt beyond belief.  How could somebody you took in as your own turn around and treat you like dirt and stab you in the back?

Believe it or not, this girl showed up on my doorstep the other night like a lost cat.  She is attending college on the east coast and is home for the holidays.  She does not want to be at home with her biological mother.

I could not bring myself to slam the door in her face -- believe me, she would have deserved it.  She came in and the tears and hugs began.  For the next three hours all I heard was her gratitude for what we did for her growing up.  She said that we were the only real home she ever knew.

Forgiveness.  It's not just a bumper sticker slogan.  Try it.

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