Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Time: My Best Ally

I don't understand why people want to rush time.  This world is operating at warp speed.  Everything must be done -- yesterday. 

I have to confess that time has been my best ally.  Granted, it's not exactly wonderful to see a new wrinkle when I look in the mirror, but going beyond the ego and the shallow physical self has proven time and time again (no pun intended) that time reveals all.  Nobody can wear a mask indefinitely. 

I'm on a roll.

The latest episode involves Mr. Bohemian Club.  This guy shows up to meetings in a new Jaguar, new Land Rover with personalized plates, and constantly brags about his business skills and how much his shirts cost.  He also brags about his education at Stanford for "gifted" people.  He tried to pass himself off as being so ethical and pure, and reiterated scenarios where his impeccable ethics saved the day. 

I could never connect the dots with this guy.  On the surface it all looked perfect.  However, my intuition started talking to me flashing big, red lights.  My bullshit detector radar went up.  I knew if I waited long enough and sit back, I'd get my opportunity to call him on his crap.  Tick tock, tick tock.   Several months pass.  Tick tock, tick tock.

I finally got my opportunity yesterday.  After a string of what I knew was pure bullshit, I called him on it.  Of course, he went through all the classic reactions liars do when caught.  He made an even bigger ass of himself the more he kept going and digging himself deeper and deeper.  I was ready.  It was awesome.  I guess his Stanford education for the "gifted" didn't help him much.  He's not as smart as he thinks he is.


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