Sunday, July 14, 2013

Career as Little Ceasar Pizza Sign Waver

A pleasant encounter happened this past weekend while I was in Orange County.  My friend since first grade, TYD, and her sister also happened to be in Orange County visiting from Minnesota.  TYD and her sister were in Orange County for much different reasons than I, but one theme always arises when I'm with my homies:  laughter. 

TYD's parents died recently.  That in itself is a suck story that I will not go into.  However, TYD's story as to why she was here borders upon the sad/hilarious variety.  TYD's oldest sister has had a tragic life of alcohol abuse.  I remember the oldest sister being idolized by the parents like she was a goddess.  The parents put her through vet school and she was supposed to live the perfect life thereafter.  Brainy.  Pretty.  She had the world by the balls.  Not.

Fast forward..... tragic events have led the oldest sister to a 12' x 12' living quarters near downtown LA with her new husband, who is in show business.  He is a comedian working as a Little Ceasar Pizza sign waver waiting to be discovered. 

I can't make this shit up, people.

The kicker is that he's been fired as a sign waver because there is a conspiracy out to get him.

I feel badly for TYD as she wants to ensure her oldest sister has a stable living environment.  But then again.  This is L.A. 

I apologized for laughing and crying simultaneously at TYD's story.  But that is EXACTLY why we have been friends for 40 years.  

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