Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What do they REALLY teach in school?

Some of the biggest numbers on my balance sheet accounts receivables  these days where I work is from "outstanding higher education" establishments that tout how monetarily well off they are.  They brag about their school, programs, job placements... blah... blah....blah....blah....

Simple question.  If these educational establishments have their so-called shit together, then how come nobody knows what the f*** they are doing and can't answer a simple accounting question?  One prestigious school owes my work more than $60,000.  It's hard for me to leaf through their glossy, self-promotional pamphlet they mail me touting their 'leading edge program' for students on how to be "real, responsible leaders in the business world" while their own accounting department can't pay my invoice that is now more than 100 days past due. 

Cough. Cough.  Yeah.... that's the institution of morons I want to pay $30,000 + tuition each year to to teach absolutely NOTHING.  I guess they're teaching students how to make promises to pay and then jerk us around indefinitely.  Nice.  It's the American way. 

I can't wait until this institution mails out their annual plea for monetary donations from the community.  I'll enclose yet another copy of their 'past due' invoice. 

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