Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Graduation Season

It's that time of year for graduations.  I might also add that it's wedding season as well.  Both weddings and graduations are supposedly happy ceremonies.  Those attending graduations and weddings may cry despite being extremely proud and happy.  That's where the irony should end.

There tends to be confusion between the definition of "ceremony" and "celebration" especially at graduations.  It's a pity those graduating are given a diploma and turned loose on society without knowing how to use a dictionary for understanding the difference between "ceremony" and "celebration" nor possessing basic social manners.  However, we are making a huge guess in assuming those receiving diplomas (and their families) can actually read and have evolved beyond the neanderthal stage.

Let me help.

A ceremony is a dignified, polite, formal act prescribed by ritual and/or protocol.   May I stress the words 'dignified' and 'formal.' 

A celebration is to observe a notable occasion with festivities -- a party, if you will.

Granted, you have to have functioning cerebral matter to differentiate the definitions of above two underlined words, but let me dumb it down for you.

Word to graduates and their families who raised them:  The ceremony is NOT the celebration.  If you disagree then how would you feel about your bridesmaids tossing tortillas and beach balls during your wedding?  How would you feel about your new mother-in-law blowing a horn while you were exchanging your vows?  What about your best man walking down the aisle donning a big, goofy party hat?  Both weddings and graduations are happy occasions, right? What's the issue?

Ohhhh.... there's a time and place for everything.  Get it?

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