Thursday, December 8, 2011

Duggar Miscarrage

Even God is telling the Duggars to stop reproducing like rabbits.  Enough is enough.  Really. You could have stopped at six kids, but that does not warrant your own tv show and media frenzy.  Sorry about the missed commercial endorsements for breaking the world record of popping out kids like a pez despenser, Jim Bob and Betty Sue.  Are you Mexican?   You all sure as shit act and reproduce like them.  Perhaps you're just white trash.  White trash tends to reproduce enmasse.  Are you Mormon?  It's not going to do Mitt Romney any good for kids who aren't old enough to vote.  Are you Catholic?  I have to give Catholics credit for having homosexual sex that does not end up with another (yawn) unwanted pregnancy in this already overpopulated world. 

I hear a squeal coming from the backyard.  It's a racoon giving birth.  I thought for a moment it was Michelle Dugar.  Please, put your uterus into retirement.  It's time.  Besides, I'm sure your husband is really more interested in your 20 year-old daughter(s) right about now.  Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's the family dirty little secret. 

See you all in Fucked Up Family Therapy.

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