Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Censorship - the Great Government Goal

I'm leery about the vanishing written word on actual paper.  I'm leery about the post office going away despite the fact that I sort my mail outside standing at the recycling bin and throw away 95% of it.  I'm leery about cutting library hours even more.  Here's why.....

Just think about how easy it is to edit or delete information when it comes in electronic form.  Just think about how easy it is to track all electronically submitted correspondence.  All sense of privacy is gone.  Just think how dependent we are on electricity to even access information via electronic means.  There is potentially too much power at the hands of the controlling few. 

I'm not so sure about all of this, guys.  The Big Brother we all feared in 1984 and then dismissed has come home to roost. 

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