Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Disclose the Office Budgets - NOW!

CA State Assembly Members are right now at this moment scrambling on how to cover up their obscene office budgets.  Only the honest ones will disclose immediately and not hide behind some bullshit "further direction" prompt that will more than likely be scripted smoke and mirrors tactics put together with yet even more nonsense politician logic.

Of course they're hiding something..... believe me.  They don't WANT you know.  

Hint to the public and to the press:  Keep digging.  Like I've said 1,000 times before, it only gets worse.  Don't believe for one minute that CA's budget woes are from keeping some library open.  The closer you get to the top, the more obnoxious and wasteful it becomes.  The politicians are all hands in the cookie jar.  You, dear taxpayers, are getting screwed without a kiss.

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