Thursday, January 28, 2010

Senior Executive, D.A.L.

I travel in a group with my colleagues. However, there was always one in our group who would ALWAYS get the finest hotel suite, complimentary goodies galore, and views to beat God.

One day I asked him, "Just how do you manage to always get the best room and all the goodies?"

He, being a grouchy but light-hearted old man, looked me straight in the eye and said that upon check in at the hotel he always gave his title as 'senior executive D.A.L.'

Hmmmmmmmm...... senior executive D.A.L. Is that all it took?

I guess so. Nobody at the hotel front desk would dare question what Senior Executive D.A.L. actually meant, but it sure does sound important, doesn't it?

Here's the truth... ready??

Senior Executive D.A.L. translates to: senior executive DING-A-LING.

Further proof that all the world is a stage:)

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