Thursday, January 14, 2010

History Channel

I do love the History Channel. However, sometimes I wonder if the hyper-alert, over dramatic, deep, male, voice-over predictions (complete with thunderous drums) on how we are going to DIE an awful DEATH that also includes DISASTER and DESTRUCTION from:

1. Earthquakes;
2. Tidal waves;
3. Angry bacteria;
4. Bigfoot;
5. Cosmic collisions;
6. Drought;
7. Thong underwear;
8. Biblical prophecies;
9. Vampires;
10. Spontaneous combustion;
11. Q-tips.

Instead of harping on our impending, cataclysmic doom, LIGHTEN UP, and cheer us up with footage from WWII Nazi concentration camps or something, will ya????

As much as I love the History Channel, sometimes it's just too damn depressing to watch. No wonder they have so many prozac commercials.

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