Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Do you have school-aged children? Are you sick and tired of the endless hours of useless busywork assigned to your child? Do you REALLY think homework adds to the quality of education? I think not.

Here's a clue to educators: Homework only makes kids HATE school even more. Do you think they are engaged for one minute into attentively trying to learn new concepts by torturing them? Today's education is nothing more than a modern-day inquisition.

I can see the Professor Snape-type teachers wearing a sinister smile writhing their hands telling their students, "We'll make you LEARN and you will LIKE it!!! Even if we have to hang you by your thumbs while you scream into submission!"

I dare any person over the age of 40 to tell me one specific thing about their 8th grade homework. See?? That's how important it is.

Engaging young minds takes energy, creativity, and persistence; it's work. Therefore, our education system just flings reams of paper at them and say it's due by Monday.

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