Friday, May 6, 2022

Three Little Birds

 You all know the song by Bob Marley, I'm certain of that.  On a serious note, three little birds did show up in our garage today of all places.  We were in the kitchen making our homemade pizza when my daughter said, "Shhhhhhhhhhh.  Mom, I think there are birds in the garage."  

Well, she was correct.  There were three little birds in our garage.  How they got there is a complete mystery.  Now what?  Thankfully, social media does serve  some useful purpose.  I posted on NextDoor (through my husband's account as I have been banned LOL) that we have three little chicks.  We don't know what to do with them.  Within minutes a man and his daughter replied and said they raised chickens, ducks, and whatever comes their way as the daughter has a soft spot for birds.  

The man and his daughter arrived with all the equipment necessary to take care of abandoned chicks.  I felt good about that.  I don't know how to care for little chicks and I don't have the heart to just leave them to die (believe it or not).  

Here they cute

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