Saturday, September 19, 2020

Crashing the Economy

Sometimes I wonder if 'the virus' isn't a ploy to crash the world economy so that the mega corporations and big tech can come in and swoop up the leftovers to advance their agenda of world domination.  Think about it.  Small business is nothing but a thorn in the side to the mega corporations.  

....and now onto something completely different.

There is a spot on the US Supreme Court to fill.  Like it or not, the current president has every right to nominate somebody.   The democrats are already assuming that they will hate anybody the president may nominate and posturing warfare - complete with "arrows in their quiver."

That's not teamwork, folks.  Here is a perfect opportunity to show us all you CAN work together.  Instead, each side is digging in their heals and threatening the other.  I'm not impressed.  In fact, it pisses me off even more.  Grow up already. 

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