Monday, June 1, 2020

News Media: Walking The Line Between Two Evils

We all bemoan the news media.  We don't trust it.  There's a reason for that.  News media has sold out not only to corporate (money) interests, but also to certain political parties trying to influence the masses.  News media is all about horrible, tragic, and controversial headlines trying to grab your attention.  Why?  Because that is what sells.  What is the news selling?  Advertising time or space. 

Well.....why don't we just have a government run news program completely funded by the taxpayers to keep money out of the news media?  Just ask China how that's going for them. 

It's a no win situation. 

I finally did it.  I stopped watching television news.  Go ahead, accuse me of burying my head in the sand.  What can I do about it anything anyway when we are ordered to stay at home?  We all live in a virtual world.  My virtual world just happens to exclude television and social media political posts. 

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