Friday, June 5, 2020

Nobody Wants Your Crap

Ahhhhhhh, I could take the title of this blog to so many places.  However, today I will be extremely literal.  Nobody wants your crap. 

All of this staying home has spurned the massive cleaning of closets.  Great.  Now, just where are you going to take the stuff you no longer want?  Nobody is taking donations of things.  They will take your money, but not your stuff. 

The parameters have changed.  Since the pandemic, people are more leery of accepting used goods.  Thrift stores are mostly shut down.  Mountains of used goods are accumulating.  People are desperate to unload their stuff.

Perhaps this is a good thing.  Think about that when purchasing things.  You will be stuck with it for a very, very long time.  Do you *really* need it?  It's about time that the disposable society we live in gets a wake up call.  We are very wasteful and our consumption habits could use an adjustment. 

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