Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Email and Facebook

Want to know what email and Facebook have in common?  They are used by OLD people.  Never thought I'd type that 10 years ago, but here I sit typing it. 

I guess that makes me old.  If the shoe fits.......

This whole shelter-in-place deal has forced me to look to more streamlined ways of collaborating with my colleagues.  We can no longer meet up in person for lunch on a project.  We no longer sit in conference rooms together.  Mind you, this is not a complaint. 

There are collaboration platforms that make sharing documents, information, ideas, tasks, etc., that have eliminated the need to email.  When somebody makes a change or an edit I get a notification as to what was changed and as to whom did the editing.  Everybody is working with the same set of documents at once.  Thank goddesses.  My email inbox is still full, but I have eliminated quite a bit of it.  The tiresome procedure of group emails has finally been tamed.  It took a mandatory shelter-in-place to nudge me to learn this stuff (and I'm still learning).

Now I'm discovering that most email is junk from outside organizations trying to sell me something or phishing attempts.  If somebody really knows me and has business with me, it comes from inside the collaboration platform. 

So, the moral of the story is that if you are still using email as your means to communicate with anybody you work with you're out of date.  That goes for posting political crap on Facebook as well.  Well, that goes for posting ANYTHING on Facebook.  LOL  .   Out of touch old farts.  ha ha ha

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