Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tax Returns??? No can produce????

'He-who-shall-not-be-named' is still refusing to release his tax returns.  Why?  He says because he's being audited.  All the more reason to release them.  ...and that we're too stupid to understand them.  Please, King of Ego, prove yourself right and that we *are* too stupid to understand them.  What's he hiding? 

The media wants us to believe that our only choices this election go-around are either a vote for corruption or a vote for stupidity.  No media time nor attention has been fairly given to any other candidates of other political parties.  That's the real crime story here.  A third party getting media attention would really shake up the establishment we're trying to send a message to, right????  We have to take it upon ourselves to dig for alternatives. 

Don't let anybody ever tell you you're wasting your vote and that you HAVE to vote for one or the other sad sack of candidates.  Imagine.  What if the entire country voted out-of-the-box?  Think about it.  

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