Tuesday, August 9, 2016

M's Boyfriend: Disaster has touched down

Whoa.  I blogged about 8-9 months ago about my CA bff's boyfriend and NOT liking him.  She asked me repeatedly what I thought about him.  I stammered.  I hemmed.  I hawed.  I tried changing the subject.  Who am I to judge the quality of a relationship?  I do have an extremely acute intuition and pick up on vibes that are lost on most.  My CA bff knows this.  That's why she asks.  However, I never said that my reading of vibes is fool proof.  I would feel like total crap if I said something negative about the energy I was sensing from her boyfriend and I turned out to be wrong.  I walk a fine line.

I'm not wrong.  My initial reading of his energy was (sadly) spot on.  I was sooo hoping that would not be the case knowing what a sad and messy divorce M went though and now on her quest for finding a decent guy.  I wanted it to be him.   I gave M's boyfriend the benefit of the doubt on countless occasions.  Hey, we all have our bad moods and bad days, right?  Nobody is perfect.

The other night was the last straw at a large party we were all at.  M's boyfriend lost all credibility in my book.  He was being a belligerent drunk, swearing at M (screaming the F word at her in public) and completely ignoring M when his ex-wife arrived.  He was so slammed drunk he fell down on the dance floor and broke two of his fingers while dancing with other women he was trying to impress (karma is a bitch).  M is in tears.  I'm trying to console her.

Knowing that nothing good ever comes from an intoxicated couple arguing, I crept off to the hillside to visit the chickens and to be out of the line of fire.  M, her boyfriend, and I all rode together to the party.  M's daughter drove us and was the designated driver.   I was captive as this party was at a remote, rural location.  I was alone.  The host and hostess were having their own heated argument over the expense of the extravagant party so, again, I went out by the chicken coop and cried because I was so overwhelmed by the sad energy all round me.  I just wanted to go home.

Now...  M is asking me in a sober state my take on the night.  No guy, no matter HOW much he likes to drink, party, snort coke, whatever, should berate his woman in pubic using profanity.  Of course he apologized the next day.  All abusers do.  The other thing is that he is living with M, but does not want to act like he's in a committed relationship.  He can't have his cake and eat it, too.  He likes living in M's house rent free.

Wanna get away???????????????   I feel crappy because I broke the 'girl code' and did not immediatly bad mouth the new boyfriend right out of the gate when I first met him and felt vibes that were not good.

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