Thursday, June 9, 2016

Something Shifted

..after years of bitching about useless things on this blog, therapy, and consuming excessive amounts of wine, something has shifted internally for Quiet Rage.

I don't know if it's age, venting of frustrations, working through things that generally piss me off, numbing frustrations with wine, word vomiting, or a combination thereof, but Quiet Rage has mellowed into Quiet Mildly Annoyed.

Oh no worries, I will still vent things that will hopefully make you laugh, cry and wonder who the crazy bitch is who posts this shit.  It's just that something has really shifted internally and the anger, blame, hurt, victim hood, whatever has subdued considerably.

I'm done blaming people.  I'm done carrying around old hurt.  I'm done blaming my past (including my parents).  I'm done blaming society.  Everybody's life is a bag of issues and it's all complicated and messy.

Be very aware and careful of people and things you allow in your world.  There's a lot of toxic energy out there.  Sometimes the toxic energy is within and WE are the problem (I know you want to go on thinking you're perfect -- you're not).  We can't eliminate it, but we can learn to recognize it, manage it, and work through it.  All you need is a good therapist, a bottle of quality wine, and a bitchy blog;)

...and most important.... a base of REALLY awesome FRIENDS who see you at your best AND worst. 

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