Saturday, June 18, 2016

Social Pruning

I'm a nice person, really I am.  It takes more than one faux pas for me to want to smack the living shit out of you and wonder where in the hell your parents went wrong in raising such a tactless moron. 

Heavy sigh.  We try.  We try to gently direct those with lesser social graces to recognizing their own short comings and hope and pray for auto correctness with false hopes that those subtle cues and under eye brow glares from friends and acquaintances are enough to prompt you to modify your own behavior without any more intervention on our part. 

The sad truth is that nobody ever thinks they are the asshole. When called on their own shit they look at you like how DARE you question them on rude behavior.  Yes, your feces does stink. 

Sitting home ALONE on a Saturday night against your will?  Is your dance card not filled?  Chances are you're just an asshole nobody really wants around.  Everybody has figured it out -- except YOU.  Duh. 

Anyway, tonight I just trimmed my social tree a few branches by my own volition.  Bad energy is bad energy no matter how fancy it's packaged and sold. 

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