Sunday, June 5, 2016

Election Week

It's election week, people.  Ready or not, here it comes.  My life is going to change this week as I'm guaranteed to be working with somebody different as the election is going to guarantee that.  Just exactly how different is the question.  See, the person I've been dealing with decided not to run for re-election, but be sure as s*** he's behind the scenes trying to orchestrate a specific outcome.

Once a politician, always a politician.

I'm getting too old to want to re-train another newbie who thinks they are going to change the world.  Youthful, inexperienced optimism is just that.  Youthful, inexperienced optimism.  Just ask any aging hippie.  They all thought they were going to change the world, too.

Enough of that.  I don't want to be a constant downer.  I'm just done shoveling against the tide.

I won't rain on anybody's parade and I keep my jaded life experiences that have left me scarred by ultimate betrayals (both personally and professionally) to myself.  I could rival any Game of Thrones character on betrayals and other causes that started out good and then turned sour.  Hey, maybe they will write me into the script and story line;)

Seriously, I now am the Fool on the Hill.  I keep perfectly still and smile and nod.

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