Sunday, June 19, 2016

All Fur Coat and No Knickers

All fur coat and no knickers.  The first time I heard this phrase was from my English friend, CG.  It hit me like a bolt of lightening as I've never heard of so much truth packed into such a short sentence.  People who put on airs of material wealth are usually those with the least of it. 

Last night was the tale of financial woes.  The irony of it was that the tale of financial woes is housed in luxury to those who don't know the circumstances.  There were two scenarios with two different families going on at the party I was at.

Scenario #1:  House on the hill with fantastic views that is always under construction with the addition of another room or something of the sort.  Wife is also always under construction and has boob jobs and plastic surgery. I think wife has BOGO specials with the local surgeon.  Always hosting catered parties with live music trying to impress.  Husband is freaking and sweating as he is one client away from losing his cash flow and the house.  He is self-employed and has zero saved for retirement (he is in his mid 50's).  Oh, and they have a daughter getting married this year.  ....  but damn they look good to outsiders.

Scenario #2:  Guy (age 50 and divorced) who resembles an Oompa Loompa likes first generation American Asian women half his age.  His daughter does not want a "sister" for a mother-in-law.  Asian woman gets her claws into Oompa Loompa thinking that because he owns a business and houses in Bodega Bay and Sausalito that she has hit the jackpot.  Against warnings from family and friends, they sneak off to Vegas and get married (no prenup).  Daughter is shattered.  This is where karma is a bitch.  Guy's business is teetering on bankruptcy and houses are completely leveraged to keep struggling business afloat.  Asian woman married debt and bankruptcy with visions of just the opposite.  .... but damn... they look good to outsiders and Oompa Loompa has a pretty young thang on his arm.    I predict she will become pregnant before she figures out she married an old fart who is flat broke.  Oh well.  They deserve each other. 

Moral of the story?  It's amazing what people freely talk about at parties.  I don't do a lot of talking.  I already know about myself and I'm certain I'm a bore to others, where others think themselves charming and interesting.  That's fine with me.  I never learn anything new when I do the talking anyway.

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