Thursday, April 28, 2016


I don't know what's wrong with younger people these days, but I think I have a theory -- their PARENTS. 

There seems to be a generation of entitled, spoiled brats who think the world revolves around THEM.  Don't believe me?  Just talk to any teacher.  The kids are disrespectful, disrupt the classroom, and think their feces have no odor.  If they get a poor score on a test their parents are on the phone calling for the teacher's head, same if they are sent to the principal's office for bad behavior. 

Thanks, we are dealing with these entitled brats now entering the workforce.  They act as if they are doing US a favor by periodically showing up on time and actually working a full week.

Now I know why companies are going overseas to find employees and/or paying illegals cash under the table. 

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