Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Third Time is the Charm

There is a guy I work with who just got married -- for the third time.  Let's call him Mack.  I've known this guy for 20 years and have worked with him on various projects.  Being he had kids the same age as mine from his first wife, I got to know the family pretty well.  He and his first wife split up, but I remained friends with his first wife as our kids went to school together and we would see each other quite a bit at functions and what not.  Wife #1 never bad-mouthed her ex and I never asked any questions although the kid would mention things from time to time that somehow did not surprise me.  

Mack was single for a short stint and got married again to wife #2.  She looked amazingly like his first wife.  It was kind of weird for me as I would almost slip up and call wife #2 by wife #1's name.  Big no-no.  She was younger than him by about 10-15 years and they had a baby together.  Needless to say, that marriage did not last.  Like I mentioned earlier -- I've known Mack for 20 years and have worked closely with him on various projects.  I'm surprised that neither wife actually killed him.

Fast forward to 2015.  In between wives, Mack (now I will call him Mickey Rooney), would comment on how he loves dating and getting married.  He likes the rush of a new romance and marriage.  I told him that usually for women getting married means something permanent.  Usually when women say 'yes' they expect something long-term, for better and for worse, and are adult enough to realize that the rush of romance fades and a solid base exists for the long haul.

Sure enough, Mickey just returned from his home country in Europe and he was flashing his new wedding band at the meeting yesterday and gloated to me that 'she said yes.'  At this point, he must have quite the collection of wedding bands.   This is wife #3. 

OK...  getting married the first time and divorcing.  Everybody makes a mistake.  By the second marriage one should realize that this is not the first rodeo and go in eyes wide open and not have any false or unrealistic expectations.  The third marriage tells me that any stability or anything long-term with him is non-existent.  No surprise for me. 

Like I said, I've worked with Mickey for 20 years.  I know his pushy, demanding, narcissistic personality better than any of his unsuspecting wives.  I'm giving wife #3 about four years before his new bride throws herself to her death over a cliff into a rocky ravine. 

The other two ran away screaming as well. 

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