Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Corn Flakes for Anti-Masturbation: Dr. Kellogg

I have the most interesting discussions regarding sex and religion with my son (age 27 and living on his own -- so immediately get any Duggar references or Jared the Subway kiddie porn dude out of your mind).  We have always had a very open dialogue and no subjects were ever off limits; hence, both my kids talk to me about anything and everything. 

I am planning a short trip down to San Diego this weekend and I will see my son along with other family members who will also be down there from Minnesota.  One family member my son is quite fond of is my younger brother.  So, in talking with my son last night we got to talking about my immediate family dynamics and commented on how my brother is the most typical-atypical Midwesterner he has ever known. 

The conversation segwayed to how uptight Mid-westerners could be and that led to Dr. Kellogg and his famous corn flakes dry cereal for breakfast.  I thought at first my son was joking that Dr. Kellogg promoted a bland diet to prevent boys from masturbating.  It turned out to be true.  Unbelievable.   People actually bought into that line of idiocracy and the popular Kellogg Corn Flakes appeared on just about every breakfast table in America. 

Guess what?

Masturbation kept on happening and now we have the famous Kellogg's  'frosted' corn flakes.  I know you will never see corn flakes the same way ever again.  I bet you will never eat corn flakes ever again.  Sorry if I grossed you out, but my point is that people believe so much garbage that is just down-right wrong if presented from somebody perceived to be 'educated.'  People are so easily led and brainwashed that it's scary.  It's still happening with politics and religion. 

I can't make this stuff up, people. 

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