Sunday, August 23, 2015

Presidential Election

The circus has begun and its traveling road show will come to a location near you if you have not already been subject to the pompous, arrogant, car salesmen who are dominating the media.  I refuse to name them as that just gives them more of what they are looking for -- the unobstructed spotlight and perceived power.

Do any of the candidates really think they can change things?  It's all an ego fest.  It will take me time and effort to sift through the orchestrated propaganda and find factual information (which never appears in sound byte headlines) and vote for the person I feel will best represent the people.

I'm saddened that our system of government has become such a mockery and a venue for narcissism.  My American Government instructor at Santa Rosa Junior College said it best over 20 years ago, "Democracy is the WORST form of government, except for all the others.  It's current format is designed to give people instant gratification through a popularity contest.  There is a reason why we can't always get what we think we want."

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