Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Selfie: Narcissists

Our culture has even become more narcissistic with technology (if that's even possible).  It's as if everybody now feels the need to document their daily events over social media -- complete with the dreaded "selfie" where the only purpose is to convey, "Look at MEEEEEEEEE!"

 Is that how now we value our worth as a human?  Do we measure ourselves by how many posts, tweets, twits, instagrams, whatever we generate? 

Why do we feel the need to disclose painfully private information and should-be-private-intimate-moments between family and friends?  Why do we feel the need to announce the obvious to the free world like, "I love my boyfriend!!!  My life is now complete."

Are we so self-absorbed we feel the need for an audience for every little thing or we will be forgotten?  Are our egos that pathetic?  I had no idea narcissism could be taken to another level, but we managed it. 

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