Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canada: America "nice"

"Now what" I ask of my sister country to the north after the killings in Ottowa.

Growing up in Minnesota I got plenty of the "Canada is just like the USA -- only better, nicer, and less violent."

A personal pet peeve of mine is the bragging by Canadians (usually ones who are living in the USA) of their non-violent, the-world-loves-us-more-than-you, and pious snobbery of being uber liberal and how they are not like us nasty, gun-loving, knuckle-dragging, ignorant Americans.   Canada is portrayed as a type of social Utopia of how they are beyond senseless bloodshed and killings. Too bad their weather sucks so much and many of them leave.

Which now goes to my first statement now that they are experiencing attacks on their own turf of, "Now what?"

Canada is not immune to attacks by whack-o extremists, either.  It will be interesting to see how Canadians react. 

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