Thursday, June 26, 2014

Table Manners: No iPhone Zone

Today's topic is basic table manners while dining with others.  Yes, I do understand that we as a species are struggling with leaps in technology that are not keeping up with evolution.  Sigh.  That means there are countless hairless apes passing themselves off as dignified humans trying to dine at restaurants with the company of each other.  Allow Quiet Rage to help.

1.  Put your cell phone away during dinner.  Unless it's an emergency that warrants 911, it is rude to abandon the company of those present to check your email or social media "likes."

2.  Never receive a call during dinner....again...unless it's an emergency that warrants 911 intervention.  It's rude to abandon the company of those present to attend to somebody not present.

3.  Never fact check a statement made at dinner using iPhone Siri at dinner if conversation suddenly turns to a potential debate in the attempts to make your dining companions "wrong" and you, of course, "right."

4.  I'm amazed at how many grown-ups I see in restaurants lately seated a table together and each of them gazing at their iPhones instead of engaging in conversation with each other.  To me, that is the ultimate social insult.  Stay at home and order in a f***** pizza if you find the company of others annoying and unengaging.  You'd be doing everybody a favor.

5.  If you do decline all decency and social graces by attending to your electronic leash abandoning human company, PLEASE remove yourself within earshot of others.  Nobody wants to hear your one sided conversations at elevated tones attempting to make you appear more important than you really are.  cc

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