Saturday, June 28, 2014

Planned Parenthood Part II

Now that I've vented about idiot people who have not figured out that sex produces babies, I'm going to go one step beyond -- fatherhood entrapment.

Guys think with their dicks.  Women know this.  The last thing a guy is thinking about at the point of getting lucky is whether or not his minute of pleasure will produce a life long after effect (whether it be a disease or a child).  Women also know this.

I'm not trying to put blame solely on women for birth control, but biologically our commitment to the before, during, and after sex, and any related implications nature has placed on us.  Protect yourself, sister.  Think an "oopsie" pregnancy will make him propose or be your financial meal ticket for life?  Think again, sister.  Guys naturally freak out at the permanence of parenthood and run.  Not even his own flesh and blood will make him commit to a lifetime with you. 

Don't believe me?  Look around.  How many "fatherless" families and single moms do you know?  How many agencies are looking for "dead beat dads."  How many billions is owed in pack pay for child support and alimony?

In the meantime the woman is struggling to make ends meet and now she is saddled with another mouth to feed and goes on public assistance.  Some women whore themselves out to guys with money and repeat the process having children from multiple fathers to try to secure a constant stream of child support/alimony.  These babies brought into this world are not objects and are NOT pawns to be used in your financial/relationship chess game.

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