Thursday, June 12, 2014

"Like Us on Facebook"

No, I won't "like" you on Facebook.  Why?  Because I really don't "like" you. 

What started out as casual socializing between people has turned into a billion dollar industry.  See, as with all trends, it starts out as something between friends and all of a sudden strangers, businesses, politicians, etc., try to market their clumsy selves and pry into your social network and command/beg you to "like" them for financial gain.

Facebook is a gold mine for personal information and marketing.  Same with Twitter.  Of course it's bombarded now with news feeds, advertisements, and the like.  Once you click on something that directs you to another site to read, your internet cookies are tossed all over the place.  No pun intended.   What are cookies?  Cookies are tiny text files stored on a website that collect your information when you visit that site.  It's not regulated as to what information is collected, stored and (cough, cough) sold.  I guess you could call it a type of spyware. 

Think about that before you "like" something on Facebook.

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