Friday, August 31, 2012

Facebook or Soap Box

Good Gawd.  If I see one more political post on Facebook I'm going to lose my mind.  Facebook is now Soap Box.  Anybody with a two-bit sound byte opinion can post anything..... and they do. 
Nobody ever changed their political views by a stupid-ass Facebook post... so please stop trying. 

Big Brother butts in on FaceBook with side bar advertisements with "Vote for X in 2012" complete with photo of candidate donning game show host haircut and life insurance salesman three-piece suit. 

Political pushers on FaceBook are no better than the religion pushers who show up uninvited at your front door.  Both are annoying as all hell, and no one converts.  On FaceBook all you want to do is see photos of kids growing up, cute pets, etc.  Get the hint. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Everybody is talking about jobs.  Jobs this, jobs that.  Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.....  We have moved so far away from our source that we will do ourselves in.  It's happening.  What is a job?  Why do we need one?  If you really think about it, most jobs harm the environment either directly or indirectly.  Commerce kills.  Granted, it's not a quick kill but the toxins and chemicals required to produce our 'jobs' are really a golden noose.

Maybe we should all go back to simple living and farming.  Perhaps the Amish are not so freakish after all. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More Questions for Republicans

Questions republicans need to answer:
1.  Why do you shit on women and then expect us to vote for you?
2.  Why do you hire illegals to be your slaves and then bitch about immigration?
3.  How are you different than Islamic extremists?  Because God said so?
4.  Why are you the first ones to sign up for medicare and social security but bitch about too much governmet?
5.  Why do you favor bailing out multi-billionaires with tax money? 
6.  Why do you treat the environment like it's to be exploited for commercial gain? 
Wow... there's a pattern here...exploit, exploit, exploit all for power and money. 

Republicans Try to Woo Women Voters

Today's Wall Street Journal broadcasts the Great White Robo-Dork's official bid for presidency.  Oh shit.  They forgot something in the process.  All the women they've trampled on and used have given the figurative FU and abandoned the party.  Now they need our votes. 

All of a sudden we are of use and now they've propped up Mrs. Great White Robo-Dork to give a testimonial as to how wonderful Robo-Dork is.  Please.  The last thing any thinking woman wants is some shackled, trained housewife gushing on about her husband's attributes.  It's so scripted.  It's so lame.  Again, she is being TOLD what to say - the very thing that turned off women voters to begin with.

Republicans just don't get it.  You can't shit on an entire voting base and then turn around and try to win us over.  We see through you. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Club

I never thought I would live to this day - I've joined 'the club.'  I'm about to be initiated into the Empty Nest Club.  The past 25 years have been completely devoted to my kids.  My secondary role  has been school and work.  Needless to say, I've not had much of a social life.  I don't even know how to relax.  I feel I must be constantly doing something....  laundry, dishes, cooking, paying bills, pruning the garden, helping with homework, dentist appointments, teacher conferences, and on and on and on and on.  Add to the list that my house is a refugee camp for lost teens and animals. 

It's all coming to a crashing halt. 

For the first time in a long, long time I get to be free of whiny toddlers.  I'm free of preschoolers drawing on my walls with a crayon and dumping baby powder in my fish tank (true story).  I'm free of temper tantrums in grocery stores.  I get to actually complete a sentence while speaking without a small child pulling on my shirt hem.  I can cook meals without one kid clinging to my leg and the other on my hip. 

Does it make me a complete bitch that I'm loving the sound of silence?  I was speaking with a friend the other day (uninterrupted - ahhhhhhhh simple pleasures) and she also mentioned that she does not like being around noisy kids when she's at the lake and would prefer to be in an 'adult only' section.  We're not cold bitches, it's just that we've paid our dues (meaning we've mindfully raised our kids with never a moment for ourselves) and we are liking our newly found freedom of not having to deal with the responsibility, and actually get to relax completely and enjoy without having one eye on kids.  Finally.  It's about US.  I've been initiated into the Empty Nest Club. No more Barney.  No more Rug Rats.  No more Power Rangers.  No more Nicelodeon or Disney Channel (thank goddesses).  No more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crust cut off served with macaroni and cheese. 

My kids are now at the age where I get to have conversations on an adult level.  We get to debate politics, religion, etc.  I'm proud of them as I feel they have a solid value base - they truly have compassion for fellow humans.  They feel confident to question long-held beliefs by our society.  They have self-esteem, but not arrogance nor cockiness.  

Payoff.  It's been 25 years coming.  I'm due for peace, quiet, and time alone.  I've raised my kids  and other orphans I've taken in to display common courtesy for all humans.  It takes a lot of energy to *really* raise kids.  I never popped them out like a pez dispenser, nor like a product on an assembly line. 

Now I'm at the lake with my friend on a floaty with cocktail in hand.  Keep your screaming, obnoxious kid out of my immediate space and disturbing the peace we've earned.  We've paid our dues.  The old adage "children are to be seen and not heard" makes perfect sense. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Who Votes Republican?

Who are these people who vote for this ticket?  They are the most short-sighted, self-centered, self-righteous people on earth.  It's all about THEM, NOW and MONEY.  Damn the environment.  Damn the next generation.  Damn depleting resources.  Damn other countries and their beliefs.  Damn treating people fairly.  Just as long as they can get money (and be boss) they're happy. 

Hold on there, democrats.... I'm not in love with you, either.  You go to the other extreme to coddle able-bodied people with sappy over-parenting and redundant government programs.  

Nobody is for the middle class.  Both democrats and republicans PRETEND to be. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

I Hate Camping

If you ever notice, only city slickers enjoy going camping.  Us hicks who grew up shitting in corn fields, swatting mosquitoes, and came in from the fields at dusk after toiling all day sweaty, dirty, sunburned and tired loathe the thought of volunteering for more. 

I love nature - please don't get me wrong - but I appreciate a flushing toilet, electricity,  and a mattress to sleep on free of insects and critters. 

Camping is just so much WORK.  You have to pack, unpack, and set up.  You have to cook your meals using rinky-dink cookware over an open flame or camp stove.  You then need to lug dirty cookware and dishes to wherever to wash, dry, and put away.  What to do with leftovers?  There's no fridge and just pray to god the ice in the cooler did not melt completely.   After all of that you get to shit in a dirt hole and sleep on the lumpy ground only to be awakened at 3:00 AM by a screeching, scratching racoon.  Are we having fun yet?  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

When it's over you have to tear down, clean, pack, and put away.  Not my idea of a vacation.  I'm not a wimp.  I will get down and dirty with the best of them.  However, come evening give my my hotel room and a cafe where I will not have to lug food, prepare it, clean up, and put away (and use a dirt hole as a bathroom). 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nosy Neighbors

Don't you wish they would get a life?  What's the fascination with creeping on me and what I'm doing?  Why do you care about the cars parked outside my house?  Why do you notice what time I come home from work?  Why do you ask about the construction work being done on my house?  Why do you note cross-town family visitors? 

Is your life THAT boring you have to watch mine?  Next time I see you peering into my space I'm going to press my bare ass up against the window.  That should stop your eyes from looking over here - and perhaps burn your retinas. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Republicans Are Doing Wrong

1.  Gawd.... they are sooooooo white and dorky;
2.  They are men, white, and dorky;
3.  They are white, dorky, men;
4.  They are dorky, OLD, white men;
5.  They wear suits.  Nobody wears suits unless you're a slick Wall Street scumbag trying to swindle;
6.  Get a cool hair cut.  The comb over is so.... well.... OVER.  
7.  Their wives are submissive baby factories not allowed to think for themselves;
8.  Ditch the Bible quotes and Christian right-wing nut jobs.  You could attract moderates if you did not grovel to that retarded voting base;
9.  Stop driving Dodge mini-vans with WWJD stickers on the back and your stupid-ass stick family decals on the rear window.  
10.  Do you have a political satire show that's actually intellectual and FUNNY?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Legitimate Rape and Retroactive Retirement

Keep talking, republicans....  your true stripes show when you're away from your campaign script writers posing your every word and appearance.  I can't believe you think the American people so dumb not to see through your bullshit. 

Todd Akin's words regarding abortion,  “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” he said, defending his absolute opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape.

Akin's professed expertise in the area of rape and female bodies is that he fathered two daughters.  Wow, do I feel sorry for them.

The two biggest oxymoron statements thus far in the campaign 'legitimate rape' and my Mitt Romney favorite 'retroactive retirement.'  The republican Beavis and Butthead campaign is downright humorous and entertaining at this point.   You never know what idiodic thing they're going to say next that will make anybody with functioning brain cells fall to ROFLAO.

Still, abortion and other social issues are used as a deterrent so we don't focus on what the parties are doing collectively to better the American people.  It's easy to be a democrat or republican these days and have a glowing track record.  All you have to do is blame the other party for not getting what you want through.  It's a win-win for the political pigs.  In the meantime they are padding their own pockets through their own salary and retirement benefits.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Tech Support

A huge lesson in frustration is trying to speak with somebody from tech support who actually speaks a dialect of English you can understand. Click on the 'play' button in the above box to view a YouTube cartoon depicting the very lesson of frustration I experienced today when I needed to call tech support for my computer. I promise that if you've EVER called tech support, you'll be able to relate. I wouldn't post this on my blog if I didn't think it worthwhile.

One Question for Presidential Candidates

I have but one question for presidential candidates (and their side-kicks):  Tell me what you have specifically done to stop obnoxiously wealthy Wall Street executives from running amok and giving handouts at tax payer expense?

GOP response:  (crickets chirping).... dead silence

When that question gets answered perhaps I'll listen as to why they want grandma to eat cat food because she can't afford medicine. 

The other side to the question is if Obama, Democrats, et al, are so anti-business and have everything regulated up the wazoo, just how in the hell did Wall Street get away with what they got away with?  

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Clowns vs Mimes

Which is more annoying?  Clowns or mimes?  Neither of them speak, and both harbour a creepy vibe about them.  Both wear freak make-up and weird clothing.  One commits murder, and other one stalks their victims. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

South Korean Pop

South Korea has their own Wierd Al Yankovic.  I can't help but laugh when I watch this.  It's just downright silly and fun.

Airline Baggage Policies

I think the airlines have it backwards.  They should CREDIT passengers $25 per bag if they check them in.  After paying our money to check our bags and trying to be courteous travelers, we are always hit in the head by the annoying tourist or snotty business travelers shoving trunks weighing 2x their body weight into teeny, overhead spaces while passengers waiting to board pile up behind them as they struggle trying to shove a square peg into a round hole nary a thought about anybody except themselves.  

The carry-on crowd does not care.  They saved $25 and made everybody else miserable in the process.  Great job, airlines..... reward annoying assholes.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Swimming Pool

Dumb question....  Why would anybody bother to vacation at a world famous beach location only to hang out at the pool?  What's the point?  You can do that at HOME.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Paul Ryan

No, I'm not in love with him.  People get soooooo worked up over running mates and such.  The reality is that it does not matter.  This is all about pitting the public (unionized) sector against the private (non-union) sector.  Their plan is for us little people to cannibalize each other while they are handing out billion dollar government contracts with no supervision to their corporate friends. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here she is - again

Going away from my usual bitter rant theme.  I'm going to delve into my intuitive side today.  I'm not sure what to think of reincarnation, but there have been some uncanny connections I have seen with my daughter.  I don't think my daughter has put any of it together, and it's not my place to do so and spell it out for her.  I want HER to put the connections together without my influence whatsoever. 

When she was a little baby she was always terrified of water and fire.  Bath time was hell.  Washing her hair was ALWAYS an ordeal, unlike her brother who loved the water and could not understand why sister screamed when water touched her face or head.  At the time I did not think anything of it as many kids are afraid of the water.  Then there was the fear of of being confined in the car seat and the fear of the hard rain hitting the windshield, or water hitting the car during a car wash.  Again, whatever..... many kids are afraid of things like that.

My daughter took her first trip to Pearl Harbor at age 5.  She did not understand the significance of the visit, but she insisted that she wear a lei.  When we arrived at the memorial she stood at the rail and began to pick flowers off her lei and toss them in the water.  When I asked her (borderline annoyed) as to why she was picking apart her lei she said, "It's because I'm down there, mommy, and I am still scared."

Time goes by and as she starts getting older she starts telling me of repeated dreams in vivid detail about how she can't escape from the sinking boat because of the water is rushing in and everything is on fire - even the water is on fire.  The boat rolls over and she feels the blood rushing to her head and the sensation of being flipped over.  Trapped. 

She visits Pearl Harbor again.  This time more emotions come into play.  Visits below the decks of the retired submarine and battleships gave her an unexplained anxiety and she needed to leave.  Anger at Japanese people surfaces (and her brother LOVES Japan and the culture).  She's more concerned about the victims of the USS Oklahoma and wonders why they don't get the recognition the Arizona does (the Oklahoma was torpedoed, rolled, and sank trapping sailors).  Little bits of karma are coming back in the most unexpected places as her life unfolds.  She has unfinished business in Hawaii.  She even said that Hawaii chose her, and not the other way around. 

There's more to come......

Major Hotel

Ok... so was suckered into a 'great deal' vacation package through a major hotel.  Let's just say their poster child is a dizzy, clueless blonde named after a major French city complete with small, yappy mutt peeking out of oversized purse.  Whatever.  The motivation of this trip is beyond the common tourist trappings and had a more substantial purpose.

The 'catch' of this awesome deal is that we had to attend a two-hour time share presentation sales pitch.  Let the fun begin.  I grow tired of people playing contractual shell games with me without substance.... and assuming because I'm female that I'm a total idiot.

I love the look on their faces when I innocently ask pointed questions and see their knees bouncing under the desk wondering how they should answer me. 

Yeah, I'm not the typical clueless female seeking the best jewelry and shopping around despite that I look the part.  I actually have functioning brain cells that analyze and compute the bull shit being fed to me.... and I'm not afraid to call you on it. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Over The Rainbow

It's wud it IZ....

The Puzzle Called Life

Ever have a series of experiences that are totally unrelated but come together at the most unexpected places and the most unexpected times?  Has life introduced you to situations you never dreamed would ever happen to YOU?

As we go along in life, usually on autopilot checking off our daily to-do list, life tends to send us bits and pieces of information that remind us there really is another dimension that might not be understood or tangible by our limited human senses.  Are we listening?  It's the old adage, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

I'm not sure what to label this, or assign it to a specific belief or religion.  All I know is that in the recent past few months I am now convinced we all have a greater purpose in life than what we immediately see in front of us.  A simple sentence you said to a complete stranger could have a resonating impact years later - long after you forgot you ever even said the words and have no recollection at all of the stranger.  

Deeds from long ago, possibly a past incarnation, are awaiting healing and learning.....  Live life. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Trivial Asian Observations

Why do Asian people smell like moth balls soaked in saki?
Why do Asian women wrap themselves like mummies when going to the beach?
Why do Asian people take pictures in parking lots?
Why do Asian people have flat butts?  They have backs with cracks. 
Why do Asian women walk pigeon-toed?
Just to make sure we are all on the same page I hate Godzilla, too.


Sunday, August 5, 2012


Why is it that my mail box is flooded with "priacy act notices" in regards to my financial information and personal information that is collected with places I conduct business with?  Somewhere along the line somebody got upset about their personal information being spilled to whomever (and rightfully so) and laws were passed and opt-out notices were required of lenders and such. 

Well, I want to opt-out of Google and other online snoop sites that any moron with an internet connection can see:  where I live, how much my house is worth, family associations complete with birth dates, where I work, gross income reported on tax returns..... and adding insult to injury.... satellite pictures and street views of my house!

None of this is posted with my permission.  It's creepy beyond creepy.