Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here she is - again

Going away from my usual bitter rant theme.  I'm going to delve into my intuitive side today.  I'm not sure what to think of reincarnation, but there have been some uncanny connections I have seen with my daughter.  I don't think my daughter has put any of it together, and it's not my place to do so and spell it out for her.  I want HER to put the connections together without my influence whatsoever. 

When she was a little baby she was always terrified of water and fire.  Bath time was hell.  Washing her hair was ALWAYS an ordeal, unlike her brother who loved the water and could not understand why sister screamed when water touched her face or head.  At the time I did not think anything of it as many kids are afraid of the water.  Then there was the fear of of being confined in the car seat and the fear of the hard rain hitting the windshield, or water hitting the car during a car wash.  Again, whatever..... many kids are afraid of things like that.

My daughter took her first trip to Pearl Harbor at age 5.  She did not understand the significance of the visit, but she insisted that she wear a lei.  When we arrived at the memorial she stood at the rail and began to pick flowers off her lei and toss them in the water.  When I asked her (borderline annoyed) as to why she was picking apart her lei she said, "It's because I'm down there, mommy, and I am still scared."

Time goes by and as she starts getting older she starts telling me of repeated dreams in vivid detail about how she can't escape from the sinking boat because of the water is rushing in and everything is on fire - even the water is on fire.  The boat rolls over and she feels the blood rushing to her head and the sensation of being flipped over.  Trapped. 

She visits Pearl Harbor again.  This time more emotions come into play.  Visits below the decks of the retired submarine and battleships gave her an unexplained anxiety and she needed to leave.  Anger at Japanese people surfaces (and her brother LOVES Japan and the culture).  She's more concerned about the victims of the USS Oklahoma and wonders why they don't get the recognition the Arizona does (the Oklahoma was torpedoed, rolled, and sank trapping sailors).  Little bits of karma are coming back in the most unexpected places as her life unfolds.  She has unfinished business in Hawaii.  She even said that Hawaii chose her, and not the other way around. 

There's more to come......

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